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Reading the Bubble Chart – Navigating the Topic Clusters

With the Maekersuite Bubble Chart you can turn hundreds of analysed videos into a neat mapping based on the topic of the video, relevance to your keywords, and performance potential.

Maekersuite is a video pre-production tool that helps research and write your scripts to set your video projects up for success. We use data and AI to generate the best possible support for you on your video creation journey.

In your Exploration report the first Graph you find is the Bubble Chart. In this article we will explain how to read this graph.

How to read the graph?

Each bubble in the graph represents a cluster of videos on a specific topic. This is our way to make the data more readable for you to actually draw conclusions. To view the videos in each cluster you can just click the bubble.

Relevance measures how relevant the Topic Cluster is the original keywords you used for the Exploration

Quality measures how well videos in that cluster perform and how easy we predict it to be for you to succeed in that topic. The more on the left a cluster is the less we recommend paying attention to that cluster.

Performance. A score for a single video’s performance based on other similar videos and the channel’s metrics. A high performing video is an “Outlier” so performs significantly better than expected for the publisher. Similar to Quality but on a single video level.

Bubble size represents the number of videos in the group. So the more videos that cluster includes the bigger the bubble.

The four quadrants help you identify where to focus your attention. In the upper right corner you have the clusters with high quality and high relevance. That is the quadrant you usually want to pay most of your attention to.

Getting started

At a first glance you can already see how many opportunities you have within the keyword(s) you have selected. If most of the bubbles are in the left side of the graph you likely will want to look for other keywords to research as well. The bubbles on the right side of the graph are the most interesting ones for you.

The first area you should focus more on is the upper right corner of the graph. That’s where all the clusters with best quality and relevance scores are. There we estimate is your best chance for good performance but also the topics are closely related to your keywords.

If there are no good fits there or if you want to be more adventurous with your topics, the next quadrant to look into is the lower right corner. There you can find topics that are lower in relevance but still good in quality.

Once you have found a cluster you like, you can click it to open more information and the list of all individual videos in it. Here you can analyse what kind of videos perform the best in that cluster and get more concrete ideas for videos to create.

Additional tip

All clusters in the graph are somehow related to your original keywords. So if you see any weird ones not seemingly related to your keyword that means that the audience for your keywords are also looking for videos on that topic. 

For example, an Exploration report about “healthy living” might have a low relevance cluster for “cooking tips”. That means that those people who watch “healthy living” related topics might also often watch “cooking tips” related videos. It could also be that a lot of similar words are used in the scripts making these. This is a good way for you to figure out connected niches to expand to.

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